Established in 1981, Central MN Youth Soccer Association is a community and volunteer-driven soccer program that provides for the growth and development of players, coaches, and referees. We work to promote a fun, fair, and safe environment that maximizes participation and improves players' skills while developing sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-confidence.
CMYSA believes local soccer organizations play a fundamental role in the on-going evolution of soccer in the United States. We work to provide quality programs and resources that move motivated players along in their development (technical, tactical, physical, and psychological). CMYSA also understands children participate in youth soccer for a variety of reasons and we have a duty to the community to offer programs that encourage, excite, and energize every player, regardless of ability.
The most important aspect of youth sports is the opportunity to teach important life-lessons learned through teamwork, effort, responsibility, and commitment. CMYSA understands children learn from, and are influenced by, the adults involved in our organization. We demand the highest standard of behavior from every board member, director, staff member, coach, and volunteer. An emphasis on parent and fan behavior is also important. We all must model patience, sportsmanship, and civility for our children.
In order to accomplish our mission and philosophy, the club has placed emphasis on the following:
Using the United States Youth Soccer Association player development model, this chart illustrates the various opportunities CMYSA offers to players within each development phase. We recognize the unique requirements of each phase for appropriate training specific to the needs of the player.
As illustrated below, we have programs for players from 5 years old through 18, and programs from a recreational level to an elite level in the developmental process. It is important to note that each player is unique and may fluctuate between levels within each phase.
CMYSA recognizes one of the main goals of participation in youth sports is personal development. CMYSA works to instill the following traits in its participants.
Players Displaying Mindfulness:
Players Displaying Eagerness:
Players Displaying Action:
Copyright © 1981 - 2025 Central Minnesota Youth Soccer Association. All rights reserved.