Coaching Requirments

All CMYSA coaches have several steps that they must complete before they begin coaching their first practice.  Please remember that the purpose of these training is to ensure the safety of our most precious resources, our players! There is no room for negotiation around these requirements.  If a coach delays in completing these steps they will not be able to begin working with their players.

Here are the items that every coach must complete

  • MYSA Background Check 
  • Safe Sport Act Training 
  • Concussion Training 
  • Know MYSA Soccer Rules
  • Attend CMYSA Coaches' Meeting 

Background Check

Both MYSA and CMYSA require coaches, board members, and any staff to complete a background check. The background check is good for one year (December to December).

Please click on this button below to complete your background check. This will require that you register with MYSA the process should not take more than a few minutes.

There is no follow-up needed for background checks after this submission. If you have any questions please reach out to

Background Check

Concussion Training

CMYSA coaches, managers, and officials are required by law to take the free CDC online training course Concussion Training for Coaches. This training is good for 3 years.

This training must be completed (about 45 minutes) and a copy of the printed certificate needs to be on file with the club before one may coach or officiate for the first time.

The certificate of completion at the end of the training is proof the course has been taken. This certificate should be printed and a copy should be provided to Carrlin and Keli at

Concussion Training

Safe Sports Training

E very 12 months, ss a coach or manager, you need to complete a SafeSports Training. 

The SafeSports Training Consists of 4 Modules

SafeSport Trained Core  - This is the full length training it is 90 minutes and must be completed every 4 years

Refresher Courses  - These are shorter 30 minutes courses. You are required to take 1 refresher course a year between your SafeSport Trained Core Full course

  • Refresher 1: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct
  • Refresher 2: Preventing Misconduct
  • Refresher 3: Creating a positive Sport Environment

So Year 1 (2025) take the SafeSport Trained Core Module, in year 2 (2026) take Refresher 1, in year 3 (2027) take Refresher 2, and so on. If you are in year 5 and have previously completed all 4 modules then you start back at the full length SafeSport Trained Core module.

Upon Completion of your course you will receive a digital certificate of completion.  Please email the PDF of your completed course as proof training to Carrlin and Keli at  If yo have technical issue with the Safesport website please reach out to their support team.

If this is your first time taking a Safesport course please use this button to access the website.  This will automatically pass in our clubs course key for your account setup.

First Time Safesport Users

If you are a returning Safesport user please use this button and then click the login button on the new page to access additional modules or retrieve your certificates.

Returning Safesport Users
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