Fall Rec

A 6 session fall training program targeted to recreational level players.  The fall season continues to focuses on individual player development and is ran by the SCSU Womens Soccer Team

Registration Closed

A 6 session fall training program targeted to recreational level players.  The fall season continues to focuses on individual player development and is ran by the SCSU Women's Soccer Team

Fall Rec General Information

For the Fall Recreational Program players are not placed onto official teams.  Instead each night everyone in an age group shows up at the same time with the same color shirts on. They are then split up evenly and spend time focused on fundamentals for the first part of each session and play a soccer game for the second part of the session. All session are run the SCSU Women's Soccer Team.

These session are open to ALL players entering K - 6th grade!

Cost: $70 (includes the shirt)

Location: TBD

2025 Fall registration deadline will be late August (specific dat to be determined later), if space is available a $10 late fee added to registrations and T-shirt sizes not guaranteed after this date. 

Additional individual player costs include: cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball. Also if your child requires prescription eyeglasses, a strap is needed. 

2025 Fall Recreation League Dates

Event Dates
TBD Fall Rec Registration Opens
TBD Late Fee Added ($10) Registrations only for space available and t-shirt sizes not guaranteed
TBD T-shirt Hand Out @5:30-6:15PM
TBD Fall Rec Start Date 6pm
TBD Start time shifts to 5:45
TBD Last Night of Fall Rec
TBD If needed make up date for any cancellation
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