Welcome New Board Members

Peter Bauer • January 28, 2025

By-Law Changes Allow for Extra New Board Members

At the CMYSA 2024 Annual Meeting, a proposed change to the By-Laws was passed.  This changed open up the CMYSA Board to elect up to 15 members.  This will allow the board to get more club and community members directly involved in the daily club business.  The board strongly believes that the more members we have actively helping drive the club forward the more successful we will be.

Going forward the board with continue to have 9 members that are voted into 3 year terms. These member must be voted in during the annual meeting and must be official club members (meaning that have a player enrolled in the club).  The additional 6 positions are only elected for 1 year terms and can be filled at the annual meeting or at any stated CMYSA board meeting by a majority board vote. The additional 6 positions can be filled by club members or community members that do not have a player in the club.  This will allow us to work more with local coaches, referees, or other individuals with roots in our soccer community.

We are excited that not only did this proposal pass but we also had several members interested in joining the board.  There were 5 new board members elected at the annual meeting! We then had another 2 new members added to the board at the first stated board meeting!  This brings our board up to 13 members which is a great place to be!

Here are the new board members for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

  • Amina Mumin (3 yr)
  • Emily Willaert (1 yr)
  • Jennifer Day (1 yr)
  • Jennifer Schueller (3 yr)
  • Jessica Lelou (3 yr)
  • Michael Hale (returning - 1 yr)
  • Sam Deleo (returning - 1 yr)

With new board members also come new board officers! 

  • President - Emily Willaert
  • Vice President - Erik Forsberg
  • Treasurer - Brent Feddema
  • Secretary - Jen Schueller

 Please thank your new board members the next time you see them. We all look forward to a successful 2024/2025 soccer season!

By Carrlin Meier December 19, 2024
Where are we focused?
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